My Skills
I have joined the developer world back in ~2020 when I first started learning Python. Since then I have been improving my skills on Python, mainly working with Discord API wrappers to create Discord bots. I then started learning other programming languages such as JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

I learned the basics of Python, my first programming language, in 2020 on my own with an online course. I have been creating projects and learning more programming paradigms on Python to create amazing stuff. I have also learned Object Orientated Programming while developing Discord bots. I am always open to learn more Python, even now on university where it is our main language on our first year.

My first and main database I use for my projects (Discord bots) is MongoDB. I have worked with the sync and async versions of MongoDB wrappers to interact with the Atlas database. I have not worked with the raw API, but I am able to handle the DB on Python with such libraries that exist, like pymongo and motor.

Other frameworks
Not the best, but I have learned some HTML and CSS using TailwindCSS. Currently on my way to learn JavaScript to include more functionality to my and future websites I am planing to create.
About Me
Who you? Who me?
Who am I?
Known as Dark on the internet, I am an 18-year-old Information Systems Engineering student. From Argentina to the world, I started my programming journey around 2020 curious about technology and programming stuff. I like sausage dogs, I have one, actually. I also love Taylor Swift and enjoy coding and experimenting with new stuff, I am more of a trial-and-error guy.
What do I do on here?
As of now, starting my studies on my university to become a proud engineer! This journey of software development is becoming my passion and my job. I also work on some personal projects to test my skills, you can check them here.
What the dark doin'?
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